I've moved.

This blog, to a static site hosted by GitHub. (Actually, I've just abandoned this blog and only recently started the other site.)

Because I like Markdown. And version control. And writing in Vim.

Jekyll gives me the peace of mind that I can just move the site wherever I want (in case I get my own server someday), with a simple git clone, no questions asked, no content buried somewhere and lost. I can tweak the bits and pieces of layout that I want to tweak, I can have all kinds pages—like a CV—with no WordPress attached, and I can feel part of a bit of a hipster crowd whenever I fancy. ;)

So, in case anyone is still following this, party's going on over at the new place from now on. You're invited.

Ubuntu autotest goodness with test_notifier

I've been using autotest for my Rails 3 app for some time now—in case you don't know or use autotest: you should! Running your test suite by hand all the time (you do have a test suite, right?) quickly becomes a chore otherwise and once you stop running your tests frequently ... Cthulhu and stuff, y'know—and just came across test_notifier as mentioned in this blog post. I was aware of people's scripting solutions for notifications using notify_send before but always too lazy to just copy and paste things (because then I would have to look at it in order to understand it—which I feel I don't have to do as much when using some package someone built for something. It's ... complicated.) so I kept the terminal running autotest open on some screen somewhere.

Now, test_notifier is one gem to install and two lines of code in your ~/.autotest and there you go:
Nice, innit?